Established by the Dodd-Frank Act, the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower and the CFTC’s Whistleblower Office have been operating for more than a decade. The two offices recently released their annual reports for the 2022 fiscal year, which ended on September 30, 2022. The reports reveal that they received a record number of tips and made several multi-million dollar awards – including a record-setting award of nearly $200 million. As is customary, to avoid revealing the identity of whistleblowers, the reports provide no details about any of the matters that led to awards. This article synthesizes the key takeaways from the reports. See “Chief of SEC’s Whistleblower Office Discusses Program’s Continuing Success After Its First Decade” (Mar. 25, 2021); and “Former CFTC Enforcement Director Discusses Whistleblowers, Trends, the New Administration and the Pandemic (Part Two of Two)” (Feb. 25, 2021).